Hire a Dancer


Hire a Dance Choreographer to create a dance or dances from a variety of cultural dance forms, for your event or special occasion. Whether you need something for a dance competition, cultural event, wedding, or other celebration, we can help you acheive that from start to finish. A beautiful dance choreography, with a huge variety of dance genres to choose from.

Contact Us for more information.

Instruction: Classes, Private Lessons & Workshops


Check our Class Schedule

Private Lessons:

Personal instruction for the individual student to further develop their technique, style and/or dance vocabulary. Dance is about passion, but it is build upon technique, skill, and knowledge!


Instruction for groups who wish to further develop themselves as dancers, Or just have fun!

Contact Us for more information.

Professional Performances

Tascheleia performs a wide variety of cultural dance styles and can be booked for professional performances for weddings, parties and other events!

Contact Us for more information.

Professional Rates for Dancers

Great dancers are not great because of their technique. They are great because of their passion.
