
Dance Resume for Tascheleia


~Dancing since the age of 3 years

~Performing since the age of 3 years

~Teaching & Choreographing since the age of 14 years

~Training in safe & beneficial exercises & stretches (warm ups & cool downs)

~Extensive experience with production of Dance Performances

~Tascheleia has studied the following dance forms throughout her dance career

in the forms of classes & workshops:




Break Dance

Highland Dance

Ukrainian Dance, culture & language

Country Line

Square Dance

Middle Eastern Dance (including folk, traditional, classical, modern), culture & language

North African Dance

International Folk Dance (including Romanian, Bulgarian, German, Hasidic, Clogging, Turkish)

Indian Folk Dance from Rhajstan

Indian Classical Dance (Kathak)


Flamenco & Spanish Dance

Polynesian Dance



The following is a list of different forms of Media that have featured Tascheleia over the years, through articles and appearances.

Newspaper Articles/Publications

NAIT Nugget

Spruce Grove Examiner

St. Albert Gazette

Sherwood Park This Week

Leduc Representative

Edmonton Journal Ten Best/Health

Your Health

Feats Calendar

TV Spots

A Channel Big Breakfast

A Channel Wired

CBC with Collin MacLean

Help TV

Access TV

Shaw TV

"Family Restaurant"

Mini Series about the Psalios Family and their line of Greek Restaurants in Edmonton.

Aired on Food Network Canada Fall 2005, ran for two seasons and was re-aired several times.


CKER Spanish Program

SAIT Radio


Prime Time for Women April 2001

Morinville Women's Conference


~Tascheleia has performed in over 50 dance productions throughout her dance career.

~She has performed over 1000 shows in Greek, Arabic & Indian Restaurants/Weddings/Parties in Edmonton & area since 1999.

~Tascheleia has also performed at well known Edmonton festivals including Heritage Days, Taste of Edmonton, Canada Day Festivities and a variety of charity events.


~ Tascheleia began her teaching experience many years ago by teaching Jazz dance to children through the Dance Studio that she studied with.

~ Tascheleia has taught anywhere from 4 - 14 Belly Dance classes per session for 4 sessions per year since 1999; Amounting to thousands of students over the years, some of whom have gone on to teach and or dance professionally.

~ Below are some of the venues and areas Tascheleia has taught for~

Grant MacEwan Community College

Isis Dance Productions

Bedouin Beats

Millennium Place


L.A. Dance Academy

Fitness & Yoga Facilities including Wellness Within Learning Centre & Prana Yoga Studio

Downtown Edmonton

Spruce Grove, Sherwood Park, St.Albert, Leduc venues

Choreography & Production

~Tascheleia choreographed a few Jazz routines in her teen years, some of which she won medals for.

~ Tascheleia has created numerous Middle Eastern Choreographies of different styles for students, classes, professional dancers & dance productions.

~Tascheleia has produced, directed and choreographed six successful Belly Dance Theatre Productions.

~ A Highlight has been to create an original Egyptian Cane Choreography for Vinok Worldance for their show Christmas Around the World 2010!